
Sketchup 4 schools
Sketchup 4 schools

To learn more about SketchUp, read the 3D SketchUp for Beginners article from the August 2014 issue. The link to this training series video at the bottom of this article also should show other videos in the series, on the right side of the YouTube page, so you can explore the software. It’s part of the SketchUp Training Series on YouTube. Once you’ve mastered the basics and feel comfortable with SketchUp, this tutorial shows how to use scenes in SketchUp to remember different views of your object. This tutorial shows how to create a vase, a process which can be repeated for any object. It’s also a simple introduction to key tools like extend, push pull, orbit, and the components popup to select materials. This Sketchup project shows how to build a simple house then add a door, windows, and other details. These videos are designed to train K-12 teachers but anyone can learn.

sketchup 4 schools

The link to this video at the bottom of this article also should show other videos in the series. It’s a great place to start and become familiar with the software. This tutorial describes the basic settings of SketchUp.

sketchup 4 schools

These SketchUp projects provide a range of ideas you can work with to create your own objects and environments. It’s perfect for people who are interested to create with technology but maybe not coding. The free version is a great way to get started creating and playing with 3D objects. There’s a free version as well as a professional version. SketchUp 3D is software used to create three-dimensional objects on your computer screen.

sketchup 4 schools

These SketchUp projects range from introductory to complex with lots of links to more videos and projects.

Sketchup 4 schools